Friday 24 April 2020

Maintaining a Virtual Community

Over the next few weeks, we invite you to join us for a short-form blog series on how SWE Members are navigating the world amidst COVID19. In this sixth blog, we are pleased to feature Kathryn Chamberlin from Arizona State University.

How do you handle stress and maintain a work-life balance right now?

I find myself going on a lot of walks right now! I live in Arizona so the weather is beautiful and it’s really helpful for me to get out of the house and breathe some fresh air. Even a 10-minute walk relaxes me and helps me focus more on work when I get back!

Do you have any tips for studying or working from home? 

Since studying at home gets pretty boring really fast, I’ve been supplementing my normal study techniques with a lot of online videos and tutorials. I’m a really big fan of CrashCourse on YouTube because their videos are short and fun to watch. I also host a lot of video conferencing study sessions with friends and classmates so that it feels like we are studying at the school library together.

How do you maintain community with your fellow SWE members, section, or affiliate?

Video conferences! Every night my what can you do with a computer science degree section hosts a Zoom meeting to do yoga together, and then a lot of us study together after. I love this chance to workout with everyone and see their faces during yoga!

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